
Hi, I am Ann Sciot, born and raised in Belgium. My interest in creating art began when purchasing a book “colors for adults”. Soon I discovered that – coloring within the lines – was nothing for me.

I joined a group of intuitive painting, finding out that painting with acrylic paint offers a lot of possibilities. Following a course Vedic-art was my next step.

I learned to go along with the flow of creation. I paint from my heart, and discover the pleasure of creating. As an artist, I work hard to develop paintings that speak both to me and to others about the beauty of all things across the world.

Part of my process before I begin painting is to observe nature while biking or hiking. Daydreaming of my travels to distant places also give me inspiration for a new painting.

Fallen in love with acrylic pouring, resulted in following a course in the Netherlands. Also at Udemy Academy I regulary follow specialised courses that teach me new and better techniques.

I don’t let myself be restricted by using only the most common painting supplies. Freedom in the choice of materials and techniques, reflect my urge for the “No-limits”-feeling.

When capturing my emotions on canvas, I strive for beauty, not perfection.

My works evolve just as I aim to grow as a human being.

I have donated some of my paintings to various organizations in Belgium, such as:

  • Sint-Franciscusziekenhuis (Heusden-Zolder)
  • Hart voor ALS vzw (Laarne)
  • Project U/turn (Wuustwezel)
  • Stijn vzw (Pelt)
  • Huis vergeet mij nietje vzw (Bree)
  • Weggeefwinkel (Alken)
  • BNI Foundation (Sint-Truiden)
  • Purrito (catshelter)

    Human or animal intrest organisations are always welcome to ask for donations of my works !